QPS Office - April 6, 2023
The vision of the New Zealand Curriculum is for our young people to be confident, connected, actively involved, and lifelong learners. The purpose of reporting is to share information about a child’s learning, progress, and achievement towards this vision in ways that support further learning.
Communicating clear, dependable information about progress and achievement provides a basis for building a strong partnership between the child, the teacher, and the child’s parents, family, and whānau to support learning and improve student outcomes.
Each child’s parents and whānau are their first and most important teachers. Building learning-focused relationships and connections between parents, whānau, and teachers are therefore vital for each child’s ongoing learning and success. Children are the core participants in any learning environment and as such they need to be actively engaged in understanding their own actions and progress as learners.
Mid-year report
All year groups receive a Mid-year report. This report will contain information about how the student is progressing in relation to the curriculum-level expectations for their age and identified the next steps for learning.
End-of-year report
All year groups receive an end-of-year report. This report measures progress in relation to the curriculum-level expectations for their age. It will also contain teacher comments in relation to how the student has strengthened and developed their key competencies.
6-week report : School reports after 6 weeks of starting school (as dependent on the start date) are available for our Reception students. After 6 weeks students have had time to transition into school and develop positive relationships. Students are learning skills that will allow them to successfully achieve at early Level 1 of the curriculum. This report shows how your child is progressing since they started school.
Mid Year Report. This will contain information about how the student is progressing in relation to National Standards.
Term 4 End of Year Report - End of year report. This will contain information about how well the student is achieving in relation to National Standards. It will also contain teacher comments in relation to how the student has strengthened and developed their key competencies.
Reports are published through the EDGE Parent Portal and emailed mid-year and at the end of the year. Please download the EDGE APP to your device to access these reports.
Parent interviews are an important opportunity to have conversations about learning and better understand the needs of each student.
Meet the Teacher Interviews
These interviews are held at the start of the year for parents (NB these interviews do not include students) to share information about their child and their learning needs.
Goal Setting Interviews
The purpose of these interviews is for all students set 3 learning goals. These goals can take the form of the core curriculum or aspects of key competencies e.g. managing self, relating to others, using Language, symbols and texts, thinking, and or participating and contributing.
Example of 3 goals:
Goal 1- Maths: Improve my basic facts
Goal 2- Proofread my work for basic errors
Goal 3- Ask my teacher for help when I am unsure
3 Way Conferences
In conjunction with the Mid-year report, we hold three-way conferences (Whanau, teacher and student) The aim of this conference is to involve the student in the reporting process and allow them to discuss their Mid Year Progress Report and share their successes and progress towards meeting their goals.