Newsletter Notice — Aug 31, 2023

On Wednesday all the Year Five classes went to Te Atamira, to learn about the eels in our lake, so… we hopped on the public bus. It was the first time that Queenstown Primary had been on the public bus. We had talked about how we were going to behave on the bus. So we hopped on the bus and took our seats and started talking about what we thought the trip would be like, in very excited voices.

When we got there, we went into a room and a person came to talk to us about the movie about the eels that we were about to watch. The movie was called Ārai awa, the class and I went into a room and sat down on the couch or the floor and then the movie started and there was sad music because it was about how the female eels can’t get past the dam to return to the Tongan Trench to lay their eggs.

After the movie, we went to look at the art. We had to look at all the artworks and we had to pick our favourite and then draw it and recreate it as well. When we were done we went outside and did free drawing! When everybody had finished we played on the playground. It was a commotion! Then we hopped back on the public bus and went back to school. Everybody was exhausted!

That was our school trip to Te Atamira.

By Clara Obermoser.