Newsletter Notice — May 25, 2023

By Sofia Gentile

I examined the food closely. They said it was Feijoa Cordial and Pesto Pasta.

Hmmm…the Pesto Pasta had a smooth spinachy, parsley, silvery beet look and more! It looked as green as grass but darker.

My friends begged me to try the Feijoa Cordial, I took a sip and then a rush of sugar, sweet flavor ran through my mouth! My taste buds were dancing like crazy!

“My Gosh,” I said, speechless. “This is the best thing ever!”

Then one of my friends said, “Probably because it was 99.9999% sugar!” he laughed.

“Oh, that makes a lot of sense.” I laughed along. Then I glugged so much that I got a sugar rush.

After that, I decided to try the smooth, green pasta. When it touched my mouth, the creaminess melted in my mouth and the smooth pasta tasted like a tangy dream! I kept getting seconds of it, (I was sad that some was being shared with Mrs Bell, our special guest)

After all that I decided that I would give it an infinity /10!

Hmmm…I wonder if I should make it at home one day?

Garden to Table

Today we did Garden to Table. I was a cook and there were 4 groups of chefs. On the menu, there was Pesto Pasta and Feijoa and Lemon Cordial.

How we made the Pesto Pasta:

We cut up the greens, then we put the greens into hot water, then put them into a processor to make the Pesto.

Next we cooked the pasta and mixed it all together.

To make the cordial :

We cut up the feijoas, (from Walter Peak Station), and added all the lemon juice. Next we boiled the feijoas, sugar and the lemon juice, then we poured the cordial into a big jug. We carried all the yummy food to Room 27.

The food smelt amazing, we all sat down and tried the food. I tasted a strong pesto taste mixed with a yummy soft pasta, it was so good.

Then I tried the cordial, it was so sweet I do not like sweet food or drinks but I loved this drink it tasted sweet and fruity, like it was not ripe which made the drink amazing I loved the cooking.

A big thank you to all the parent helpers and the Grandmother too. 😃

I love Garden to Table. By Annabel