Raffle Winners: Congratulations!

A massive congratulations to our two raffle winners - Hailey Bell (Firewood Raffle) and Mel Oliver (Instant Kiwi Raffle).

Hailey has won 2M of Native Beech Hardwood which was kindly donated by Highlander Firewood Queenstown.

Mel has won a scratchie board with over $100 worth of Instant Kiwi tickets.

Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets. Funds will go towards our Y6 and Y8 Camps.

Student Success!

Rina Nakazawa took part in the South Island Artistic Swimming Championships 2024 Competition this weekend which was held in Queenstown and hosted by the local club, Wakatipu Artistic Swimming (WAS).  Rina competed in a team of 9 in the ‘Aqua Combo’ on Saturday and her team placed first winning the gold medal!  She did a fantastic performance and the club are very proud of her.

If any students are wanting to know more about joining the club, they can email wakatipuartisticswimming@gmail.com