All things Sports!
- 3v3 Basketball Is up and running good luck to our boys Ewan, Morehu,T awhiri and Ihaka
- Mihi to Tuahine Laken for coaching our Karikari/Uruao girls for basketball Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
- Playing in a social comp on Wednesdays.
- Also all those girls are playing Volleyball on a Monday Night.
- Congrats to all our pononga that competed in the Pā athletics today (Friday, 10 Nov).
- Shout out to Tahani Davis and Sunnyday Phillips for making the Te Waipounamu U17 Netball Squad.
- Remember Puna Karikari/Waka Uruao are training for a triathlon at the end of the term. Keep up the training!!
Mini ball will started this Thursday, we have 3 teams:
Matua Arama - Te Pā Blues
- Taiaho
- Takimoana
- Tangaroa
- Awatea
- Matakaea
- Mahuru
Whaea Tash Piripi - Te Pā Girls
- Hiraina
- Waimarima
- Matangi
- Amazon
- Manaia Phillips
- Matilda
Whaea Tessa - Te Pā Shooters
- Hikurangi
- Joel
- Tamihana
- Mana
- Tupaea
- Te Kiko