Matua Te Aho — Sep 10, 2020

We are noticing an increase in tamariki at Te Pā thinking vaping is ok, because it's not really "smoking" and the flavours are sweet like lollies. Whānau we need your help educating our kids about yet another harmful, potentially lethal habit. To be clear vaping is not allowed at Te Pā.

Vaping has had a huge increase amongst high school students and even younger students who have never smoked So why is vaping so popular?

1/ Many of our tamariki believe that vaping is harmless-

2/ Vaping companies target children with sponsored online promotion of vaping and producing flavours like watermelon and cotton candy

4/ Vaping is cheaper than Tobacco.

5/ The NZ Ministry of Health promotes e-cigarettes as a way to stop smoking.

If you have used e-cigarettes to quit smoking, well done


Children, young people and non-smokers should not vape (use e-cigarettes)

Referenced from articles by NZ ministry of health

John Hopkins University