Hero photograph
Photo by Sophia Clarke-Walker

Te Hautapu

Matua Jodi & Sophia Clarke-Walker —

This year is the first time Matariki is being recognized as a public holiday here in Aotearoa. To celebrate Te Pa hosted a Hautapu ceromony at Pohoareare.

Early hours on the morning of the 21st of June 2022.

Nōku te Ao along with Te Pa o Rakaihautu gathered at Pohoareare to celebrate Matariki with a Hautapu ceremony.Hautapu is an offering to Nga whetu o te tautarinui o matariki

We place four different foods in the HautapuKai from the sea Waitakai from fresh water Waiti kai from above Tipuarangikai from the ground Tipuanuku Karakia was done for this by the whole whanau from Noku through to Uruao.

This was also time of thanks to Matariki and remembering those loved ones we have lost of the past year.This year is the frist time this tradition has been practiced for a long time and we hope to continue with this for many years to come

Tau Hau Maori whanau!