Hero photograph
Wandering towards the art columns 
Photo by Te Wharetutu Stirling

It's okay not to know

Te Wharetutu Stirling —

In year 13 we are reaching the next big milestone in our lives and finding out how we will take our place in the world and truly Tū ki te ao!

As we get closer to graduation we are learning what it truly means to "Tū ki te ao", we are learning there's a lot we know and a lot we still don't know and that's okay, especially when it comes to the question: 

"What do you wanna be?"

We're making big choices like:
Uni or Not?
What uni?
What job do I want?
What do I need? 

As we face more and more of these question's we've had amazing people to turn to; our whānau and our Kaiārahi have all been there offering their support and telling us their stories, letting us know: 

"It's okay to not know"

That is something we want to pass on to the next pononga entering their year 13 and coming face to face with the big questions.

Remember, it is important to work hard and keep your options open.  Whether you choose to go to uni or not, as long you're doing something that makes you excited to wake up the next day, that's enough, and maybe what that something will lead to bigger things.

Take it from the current year 13's, the graduates of 2018; finding out what you like, love and enjoy doing is more important that knowing what you wanna be.
Although at time you’ll be faced with challenges, do not let them phase you!

Work hard and keep at it , ask for help and figure out what makes you excited to wake up in the morning and pursue that and be thankful to everyone who has helped you along the way.

Do the mahi, get the treats.

Ngā Mihi, 

Te Waka Uruao Year 13's, graduates of 2018.