Hero photograph
Photo by Mia Tietjens

Mataora at home!

Whaea Whitney —

What is Uruao doing for P.E and Mataora whilst being at home?

First of all, I hope everyone is looking after themselves and their families.

In this unprecedented time it can be hard to keep to a routine or motivate yourself to do anything. Home is the place to be comfortable and where we all rest after a long day at work or school. But now our home is both!

In uruao we have been trialing a range of online platforms to ensure every pononga has the best chance of excelling in their subjects this year. We have tried Zoom, google classrooms and now a website.
Below is the P.E website for Uruao to go onto and look at what they need to complete each week. The website is accessible for anyone and is a great hub for whānau, pononga and pā wide whānau to look at. Jump on and have a look to see what the Uruao pononga are up to!
P.E Website for uruao

Whilst your on the website there is a mataora tab, on that tab is mataora challenges posted weekly to give that extra motivation to get up and move! For example; pononga had to video their family dancing to “blame it on the boogie” just dance.
The winner is also announced on the website. This is not only for uruao pononga but open to anyone in the pā to be apart of and just some ideas of what to do at home.

If you are stuck for some physical activities to do when at home, here are some links that can help you- suited for any ages:

Tinana Group Fitness

Turuki Health Care

Les mills on demand

Enjoy this time at home, enjoy the company of your family and really take time out for yourself!

Ngā mihi,

Whaea Whitney