Hero photograph
Photo by Matua B.P

Waka Ama Fridays

Sophia Clarke-Walker —

Every Friday Whaea Dalice has been taking a group of pononga out on the waka for a paddle in Tāpoa (Naval Point/Magazine Bay).

Whaea Dalice has volunteered to take a group of pononga out each Friday (weather permitting) to Tāpoa for an afternoon on the water. 

Waka Ama have been used in the Pacific Islands for centuries, but were rare in New Zealand by the time Europeans arrived. These days the popularity in Waka Ama has resurfaced and are mostly used for racing, but some people also use them for fishing, or just for fun. 

While on the water we had the privilege of learning from Matua B.P who has also been steering for the waka. Although we are not preparing for a specific competition at the moment this experience has been very beneficial for the girls and we look forward to our Waka Ama Fridays. 

The girls would also like to give a big mihi to Kōkā Jaymee and Tuahine Cheyenne for your tautoko.