Junior Basketball
The past few weeks the yr 5-6 and yr 7-8 Te Pā basketball teams have been playing games against other schools. Here are the results!
On Thursday last week (30/06/22) the yr 5-6 mixed team played New Brighton Sharks at Cowles Stadium. It was fun for the team to be able to get out there again. They played really hard but unfortunately took another loss, with the final score being 6-24.
POD went to Pirirakau Tangitu for his great defence and steals!
This week on Thursday (07/07/22) the yr 5-6 mixed team travelled to Cowles Stadium again to verse Linwood Ave Lakers. The team was very eager to get out there and smash out their last game. Unfortunately losing 25-2.
POD went to Harbour for his great shooting, scoring the only point in the game!`
Their Coaches are very proud of their improvement and commitment to the game. It was great getting to see them give 100% every week and have heaps of fun doing so.
Poitukohu yr7&8
The team have had an awesome term 3 competition.
Each week starts with early Monday morning training with parakuihi at the end of training. We have won majority of our games this term putting us through to the finals.
Finals were played Tuesday where the team lost coming in second. It was a really good game where the team caught up and improved on defense and teamwork. The team also played in a basketball tournament that was also Tuesday placing third in this competition. With 1 loss and 3 wins.
We ended the term season with a break up at He Puna Taimoana and team kai. We hope to improve on skills, fitness and teamwork for next term and look forward to another term of games.