Hero photograph
Photo by Koka Hera

Year 11's Trip To Rapaki

Sophia Clarke-Walker —

I te ra Paraire 3 o Hune, the tau 11 pononga went on a haerenga to a special event at Rāpaki Marae to listen to a read-through of a new feature film by Piki Films!

I te ra Paraire 3 o Hune, the tau 11 pononga went on a haerenga to a special event at Rāpaki Marae to listen to a read-through of a new feature film by Piki Films (home of Taika Waititi) that utilises Ōtamahua (Quail Island).

In hangarau, the pononga are currently working on designing and planning their own music videos that includes storyboarding and script writing. This read-through was a great opportunity for the pononga to see it all in a real setting.

Following the read through there was an opportunity for pōnonga and whānau present to ask questions regarding all aspects of the film and about opportunities to participate in the film project. However, those present have heard the whole script read and therefor it is a requirement that it is kept confidential. So aroha mai whānau, pononga are not able to talk about it. 

I interviewed Kahia Ataria-Ashby a pononga that attended this haerenga, this is what she had to say: "I liked the movie idea itself and when they were reading the script it was like they were reading a book to me so I could picture it in my head but the seats were very uncomfortable." -Kahia