by Te Wharetutu Stirling


Our wonderful Tauhere filled last with so much fun and amazement, that we are all thankful for and will never forget

Hi whānau, 

If you haven't heard about it somehow, last week our amazing Tauhere put together a week of fun, games and adventure for every single puna and we couldn't be more thankful for the time and energy they put into it all. 

Our tamariki were buzzing all week about the fun they had and were having. It was great to see everyone full of excitement over the adventures coming up through the week. 

So this is just a big thank you to our 4 beautiful Tauhere who poured in a lot of time and energy just to give every puna something amazing and unforgettable from dressing up to going out to having a big party. 

Thank you all for showing us what Tu Ki Te Ao really means and inspiring our younger ones to stand tall and enjoy what life has to offer.