Hero photograph
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Pononga Whakaahua/Portraits.

Te Pā o Rākaihautū —

Our past and present pononga have helped build and shape our pā in one way or another.

It is nice to see all the beautiful kanohi lining the hallway walls.
We are very fortunate to have talented Matua and Kaimahi who have put all this mahi together and we are able to provide copies of these to whanau at a very low cost.

Thanks to the wonderful Kōka Hera all new portraits will have a QR code which when followed takes you to a video of your tamariki sharing their pepeha live.

It is a wonderful experience for our pononga to be dressed up and Tāmoko.
We get to see the connections they make to Te Ao Maori through our whakaahua and how they are empowered with identifying as Maori. 

Please follow the link if you would like to purchase any of these taonga: Whakaahua order form

 If you have any queries please contact Te Rito - Tepa@rakaihautu.com