Crash Bash and Beyond
Young Driver Information Evening
Parents and caregivers!
You are invited to attend a panel discussion and hear how you can help keep our young drivers safe on the road.
This year, students in Years 11 – 13 saw a road safety presentation, Crash Bash: ‘What’s the RUSH?’ The performance outlines key road safety risks and the licence conditions young drivers need to be aware of.
The panel will continue the conversation for the parents and caregivers who are supervising a young driver as they navigate their learners and restricted licenses.
Topics will include:
- Driver’s license conditions
- Insurance – untangling the ‘fine print’
- Speed
- Intersections
- Seat belts
- Responsibilities for supervisors
Panel guests will include:
- Canterbury Road Policing
- Police Serious Crash Unit
- An insurance advisor
- Road Safety Coodinator (Christchurch City Council)
If this is something you would be interested in attending the event will be on Thursday 27 February at 7.00pm – 9.00pm in the Merivale Lane Theatre.