Hero photograph
Photo by Melissa Walter

Thriving in the Hive at Rangi

Kate Rivers —

Early on Saturday morning, a beautiful beehive was set up onsite at Rangi, thanks to the generosity of spirit of the De Luca whānau and Pūtake who have donated the hive and an estimated 40kgs of honey per year.

Rangi student, Amelie De Luca (Year 7) and her older siblings Alexander and Che, launched their business in 2015. They rent their hives throughout the region for people interested in all things bees and sell their honey through family, friends and schools. www.putake.co.nz

All work is supported by their parents Renee and Dale De Luca, who are commercial beekeepers and breed Queen Bees.

Our Rangi beehive has been positioned in a sunny, north facing position, away from any foot traffic. During Environment Club students may choose to help make up frames/boxes over winter and learn how to nurture bees and care for beehives.

Our Earth’s ecosystems are dependent on bees for pollination. They are vital for biodiversity and crucial in the preservation of ecological balance. Establishing a beehive onsite has been a student driven goal for the past three years, with a Year 12 Sustainability team making and selling around one thousand bees wax wraps to fund the establishment and maintenance of a beehive onsite. It is wonderful to have had support to achieve this goal.

We are incredibly grateful and feel very fortunate to have been offered this opportunity. Enormous thanks to the De Luca family! Ngā mihi maioha.