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From The Principal

Sandra Hastie —

Welcome to our first Intouch of Term 2.

The start of the term has brought with it some obvious challenges, however bringing a sense of normality to our school life through things like our full School Assembly (which took place online this afternoon) and our newsletter, is important. In our virtual Assembly this afternoon most of our students and staff attended remotely, and the engagement has been very rewarding to see across all of our online programmes.

A small number of students initially returned to campus this week and were supervised by members of the Senior Management Team. These students and families have since moved to learning from home, and currently we do not have any students on campus. This can and may change as family situations change. Our teachers and support staff are also working from home. I would like to thank all of our staff for their efforts in making our Remote Learning Programme a success. We have received great feedback on our Student and Parent/Caregiver Guidelines for learning from home which were sent to you all last week. If you have not have a chance to look over these with your daughter as yet, I encourage you to do so. They can be found here:

The Government’s decision on 11 May, to remain or move from Level 3, will have an impact on how and when we may be able to return to campus. The Ministry of Health and Education have not yet released the finer details of what schooling will look like at Level 2, and we will keep you updated as soon as we have more clarity. There will be restrictions placed on gatherings, and Level 2 will by no means be a return to ‘normal’, however as we have done so throughout the crisis, we will adapt to the situation ensuring we place the wellbeing and success of your daughters at the heart of every decision.

I wish you all a nice weekend.

Kia kaha