Stephanie Barnett — Mar 28, 2019


End of Term 1

School will finish at 12.30pm on Friday 5th April. Boarder Parent Learning Progress Interviews will take place from 1-3pm.

Wishing everyone who can a refreshing and relaxing break!

School Opening and Closing Times

As the days get shorter we’d like to draw your attention to safe places for your daughter to be. In term time the school is open between 8.00am and 5.00pm and there are staff members on site. We are aware that a number of girls are at school outside of these times and we cannot take responsibility for their wellbeing when this is the case. For students waiting to be collected after 5.00pm when the Gibson Centre closes, we ask that they are picked up from the Boarding House which offers a safe and supervised environment.

Winter Uniform

Unless the weather is unseasonably warm (and who knows?!), the girls would normally return for the second term in their winter uniforms. Please ensure that winter uniform items are all named, clean and in good repair, that skirt and kilt lengths are correct - the skirt is required to be worn just below the knee and the kilt, midway between the knee and ankle - and that they do still fit. The winter shirts are designed to be comfortably worn buttoned at the neck. Shoes love to be given the nourishment and attention of a good clean!

Some students like to wear a thermal layer under their winter shirts for extra warmth. If your daughter chooses to do so, we ask that the top be white and not be visible under the shirt. White, long sleeved tops are available through the shop for those girls feeling the cold.

The Rangi scarf is the only acceptable scarf for winter.

Whatever you may hear to the contrary, we have clear rules around the following: blazers are compulsory and are always worn in public. This includes to and from school, in the mall, at the supermarket etc. as well as for formal occasions. If we are experiencing very warm weather, shirt-sleeves are an acceptable alternative or on rainy days, the navy school jacket or any plain navy or yellow raincoat are an optional garment. These may be worn to and from school when the weather requires it, or on sports trips and other school-related events where they are the agreed uniform wear. They are not worn inside and do not replace the blazer.

The only jewellery permitted (unless an exemption card has been signed by me) is a single small, plain gold, silver or pearl stud in each ear lobe, and a watch. No other piercings are acceptable with uniform. Please assist us in checking and maintaining these standards and encourage your daughter to wear her uniform with pride.

Cross Country

This will be happening on Wednesday 1st May at 1.45pm in Hagley Park and provides another opportunity for girls to perform the best they can, and to support their clan. Those not able to participate will be supporting their friends, other students and Clans.