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Term 3 Events

What's on in Term 3

Emma Hanson —

Term 3 Save the Dates

4 August PTA Parent Education Evening, 7pm - 8:30pm (SOLD OUT).

12 August SOAR: The Female Athlete, Health and Developement. Speaker event hosted in the Merivale Lane Theatre. Tickets to come.

12 August Marlborough Roadshow

Rangi families past, present and future are welcome to join our Principal, Dr Sandra Hastie and Director of Boarding, Kyleigh Lyth, for a social and informative evening over drinks and canapés.

If you are considering a Rangi Ruru education for your daughter, you will have the opportunity to discuss our school and boarding with the Rangi team and current families.

For our Rangi Ruru Old Girls’ and current families, the evening will provide an opportunity to connect, and hear more about what is going on at Rangi Ruru. You are welcome to pass on the invitation to others in our Rangi family, or those interested in finding out more.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 12 August 2021. 

Register here

18 September Te Koraha House Party - fundraising cocktail evening. Save the date!