Kristen Fox — Jun 19, 2019

Student created Social Impact project!

What is Greensource? Greensource is a resource developed to help you make the daily lifestyle changes that will lead to you having a totally environmentally friendly life. Our goal is to compile all the information on sustainable products, recipes and choices into one place so that you can have all the information when looking to make the sustainable changes. We want to provide information on everything from what sort of tooth brush your should use to how to shop sustainably. Obviously we don't expect you to make a massive lifestyle switch but if we can start swapping out non eco-friendly products for the right ones and build sustainable habits you are working towards creating a better lifestyle and future.

How can you help us? 

We need your help! We want our website to include useful and helpful information, whether you need to know where to buy eco friendly makeup or what kind of paint to use. So we want you to comment, message and share with use what you want to know and see in Greensource. Send us everything that you want to know how to do sustainably so we can make this resource something with useful information in it!

You can continue to follow and support our journey to give you the best Greensource possible @the.greensource (Insta) and @Greensource2019 (Facebook)