Hero photograph
Photo by Melissa Walter

From the Head of School

Sam Senior —

Our 2021 Head of School Sam Senior gives some detail around the Student Senior Leadership Team's approach to the lockdown.

"We discussed as a Leadership Team at the beginning of the year what would happen if we went back into lockdown, but it was still a shock when we did. Luckily we had a great foundation to support our hive, using a number of tactics to keep connected. We used Instagram to ask This or That questions and movie suggestions, Teams to share messages, we participated in Tik Tok challenges, Lockdown Olympics, and wore yellow for Daffodil day. We even set up a Baking Competition, with two outstanding entries of a COVID and Ashley Bloomfield cake. But our favourite was the Lip Sync Challenge. Some great laughs and serious practicing!

However it must be mentioned how disappointing it’s been with so many events cancelled because of this lockdown, especially Dream Scape and sports week. It's times like these where we really need to support each other. It is particularly sad for the many Year 13 students, who do not get to celebrate their last year and our Senior Leaders, who’ve had main events cancelled. For all these groups, we’d like to acknowledge the huge amount of energy, training, planning and time that’s been put in, often unnoticed.

During these times, each student will react and feel different pressures. It’s ok to feel ok, and its ok to feel scared, uncertain. Sometimes both in the same day. We hope that the students have felt supported and connected over this time, and used lockdown to reflect on the year. But we’re really looking forward to being back at school (and so are the parents I expect). It will be a buzz to all be back together.

Stay safe in those bubbles."