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Lockdown Education Survey for Parents

Rangi Ruru Girls' School —

The impact of COVID-19 on education has been significant. The physical closure of schools has highlighted some challenges and prompted some big questions

Home learning has cast many parents and caregivers into new roles, often leading to greater involvement in their child's schooling and changing the relationship between schools and families. The Education Hub is keen to capture the perspectives and experiences of parents during this time.

Launched by Dr Nina Hood in 2017 to address the knowledge problem that exists in education, The Education Hub's mission is to improve opportunities and outcomes for young people in New Zealand by bridging the gap between research and teaching practice.

To understand different perspectives arising from your experiences of education under lockdown, we would appreciate you completing a very short Education Hub survey reflecting on your home learning experiences.

The information gathered will be used to inform a written report and supporting material documenting its findings. Please note, raw data will not be shared, plus all data will be used anonymously in any materials or resources produced.

The reflections can be long or short and the survey closes on May 31 2020. The final report will be shared with you as soon as it is available and will also be shared with the education sector to support further improvement and reform in schools.

To take the survey, please click here:
