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Christmas Boxes

Charissa Nicol —

This Christmas we are thrilled to be working alongside Presbyterian Support to help bring some cheer to local families in need. Each Tutor Group has been allocated a family or individual to provide some personalised Christmas goodies for. 

Classes are doing things like collecting donations to contribute towards a voucher as well as filling their box with general things like non-perishable Christmas treats and children’s toys/stationery (depending on the ages in their family). 

All donations are welcome, even if you have something that might benefit the family of another Tutor Group, I’m sure the recipients would really appreciate it! We are going to hand over the boxes to Presbyterian Support in Chapel on November 16. Any donations from Seniors can go directly to me (in the vestry) and donations from Juniors to their Form Tutor please. 

Thanks so much for your contribution to making someone else’s Christmas special!