After School Art Extension starting Monday
Senior Visual Arts students will run after school Art classes on Mondays from 3.30pm - 4.30pm for Years 7-13 students to develop their art making skills. All welcome!
This course starts on Monday 24 February and will run Term 1, 2 and 3. Students can develop an individual body of work based on interests, work on a collaborative work or towards an exhibition or competition. Tutors will help develop and extend skills in a range of media. Girls can come on a regular or casual basis. There is no charge to attend, however, if students require materials from the Art Department store, these will be charged to gold sheet accounts at the end of each term. We will be in X13, upstairs in the Art Department. Bring a friend, or come and make new friends in the warm and friendly Art block! In Term 2 we will also be offering Photography Club and Staff Art classes during the lunch hour. Any questions, please email Ava Smith (student Head of Visual Arts) or Ms Rivers