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Upcoming Events

Stephanie Barnett —

Things you need/want to know!

Early finish on Monday 24 February
Classes will end at 3.15pm on Monday (24th) to enable staff Professional Learning to support the PDP (Personal Development Plan) meetings for students, tutors and parents. We are introducing MyMahi, a digital platform and specifically designed tool for students so they can better discover, develop and manage their journey through school and into future pathways. Their tutors are supported in their role as mentors who can guide, encourage and advise them on how to reach their goals.
Students are welcome to remain at school until 3.30pm.

Athletics Sports
Friday 28 February at Christ’s College. Postponement date is Tuesday 3 March.
Girls will be in full sports uniform or clan outfits.
They will walk in groups from school to Christ’s College and back.
We ask for your support in ensuring that your daughter attends this whole school event, as a competitor, a clan participant, an enthusiastic spectator or, ideally, as all of the above.
Parents are very welcome to join us and enjoy the colourful spectacle and atmosphere as well as the high standard of competition. Please be aware that girls may not leave until the grounds are tidy and the school is dismissed.

Personal Development Plans and School Swimming Sports - 5 March
PDP interviews will take place throughout Term 1. Tutors will make contact with parents early in the term to make an appointment for the first interview.
School Swimming Sports take place at the school pool on Thursday 5 March
Years 7-10: 9.30-11.30;
Years 11-13: 11.30-1.30.
There will be NO CLASSES on this day, which has been set aside for PDP interviews for some students and the Swimming Sports, but your daughter will be required to attend practices, rehearsals or other activities organised for that day. PDP interviews can also be arranged with Tutors at mutually acceptable times.

For more information on Personal Development Plans please refer to the Family Handbook (http://rangilife.school.nz/publications/handbooks/ )