Hero photograph

Leave from School…

Stephanie Barnett —

A couple of reminders...

Special Leave
A reminder about our Special Leave process for you… leave requests for absences of more than one day must be made on the appropriate form and discussed with the Dean well in advance.
Reasons for Special Leave usually involve events like a special family occasion in another part of New Zealand or a chance to travel overseas for a short time. A family holiday during term time is not grounds for the granting of compensatory time to complete an assessment. We strongly discourage holidays out of the 15 weeks already available except under very special circumstances. Being out of school can cause extra stress, especially for senior students.
More detailed information can be found on page 11 in the Family Handbook (https://rangilife.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/Family-Handbook-DEC18.pdf), under Information Central (https://rangilife.school.nz/information-central/) or by contacting your daughter’s Dean.

Sign Out process
In the interests of your daughters’ safety and everyone’s peace of mind, you will appreciate how essential it is that we know where girls are at all times of the day. Please ensure you know and follow the processes we have in place.
If an appointment or similar reason for absence is urgent and cannot be avoided during the school day (including interval and lunchtime), an email, note or phone call should be directed by parents to the school office, in advance, to explain the absence.
Every girl who leaves the school at any time during the school day MUST sign out at the office and sign back in on their return. If late for school at any time of the day, they must also sign in at the office.