Hero photograph

From the Deputy Principal

Stephanie Barnett —

No classes - Teacher Professional Learning
A reminder that on Monday 2 August school will finish at 1.30pm for students. The Rangi Bus will run at the normal time on this day.
There will also be a full day session on Thursday 12 August as part of the National Professional Learning requirement with regard to the changes to NCEA Level 1Students will not come to school on Thursday 12 August.

New Build
Over the next few weeks there will be some disruption in Hewitts Road as large deliveries are made to the site. We would encourage you to arrange drop-off and pick-up elsewhere e.g. Rossall St, Merivale Lane, Naseby St.

Care and Development Network

PDP Reviews
PDPs (Personal Development Plans) for all students will be reviewed during Term 3. Students will be reflecting on their progress in achieving the goals they set earlier in the year, with a strong focus on their wellbeing and life-balance and will meet briefly with their tutor to discuss next steps. We encourage you to discuss the PDP review with your daughter(s), discussing actions which are needed in the next few months.

If parents/caregivers wish to be present at the review discussion, they should contact the Form Tutor.

National Netsafety Week 26 - 30 July
This is an opportunity for all of us to make Aotearoa and ourselves safer online. We remind you that Netsafe has an abundance of excellent resources to support with this and strongly encourage you to click on this link for parents: https://www.netsafe.org.nz/parenttoolkit/

And check out these five tips:

  • Korero with whānau ōu hoa (Talk with family and friends) - It’s important to engage with whānau ōu hoa about the technologies we use and to share the tips and tricks you use to eliminate challenges and risks. Netsafety Week is an opportunity to encourage positive korero around the power of the internet. Having regular, non-judgemental conversations minimises the harm if things go wrong and lets loved ones know you’re there to help. 
  • Be a good digital citizen - A lot of internet activity happens on public platforms. So, it’s important to think twice before you engage online as it can be hard to delete or remove content you want to take back. Netsafety Week is a chance to reinforce good etiquette, and to be respectful of others and our differences. We know that certain groups of people are subject to more abuse and suffer more harm online. Speech becomes hate speech when it is used to attack a person or group of people based on attributes including race, religion, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. It can also be a breach of the law.
  • Swipe left on fake news - A lot of what we see or read online is true, but sometimes it’s put there on purpose to spread false information. Netsafe’s research reveals a third of people have accidentally shared fake news online. It can be hard to tell the difference between what’s real and fake so always ask yourself: is what I’m reading clickbait? Is the source trustworthy? Are the photos real? Where can I fact check this info? You can help others by not sharing fake news and reporting it when you see it.
  • Discuss sensitive topics - Sharing nudes is part of everyday conversation for many people, and there’s also a strong misconception amongst young people that everybody’s doing it. This myth places extra pressure and can result in many people being put in uncomfortable situations - and it can impact on people’s ability to seek help. Having open conversations around online intimate images and the places you can get support if your images have been shared or you’ve received one you didn’t want, helps to remove the stigma.
  • Know your rights - The Harmful Digital Communications Act helps people dealing with serious or repeated harmful digital communications (like texts, emails or social media content). The law sets out ten Communication Principles which define what is good and bad behaviour. Netsafe has the responsibility to assist under the law and our expert incident team are available seven days a week.