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Financial & Career Smarts for Teens Seminar - Christchurch

Kristen Fox —

Hannah McQueen, founder of enableMe, shares tips on how to equip students with the financial smarts they need for a better start in life.

St Margaret’s College
Tuesday 28 May
Tickets available here>>

Use code ‘rangiruru’ for 50% off

Life is going to be harder for today's teens. To achieve financial success they essentially face an uphill battle - with both ankles tied together!

Extremely high house prices, expensive education, a life fuelled by debt and an uncertain job market make financial success look like the preserve of the rich.

They're simply not being equipped for these conditions - and Hannah McQueen is on a mission to change that.

If you want to your teens to be prepared and empowered to tackle the challenges ahead of them - Hannah's seminar is a must-see for students aged 16 - 22 and their parents. (other age groups are still welcome to attend)

Hannah McQueen has spent more than a decade helping thousands of Kiwis to get smart, get ahead and grow their wealth as the founder of enableMe – Financial Personal Trainers. She’s a Fellow Chartered Accountant with her Masters in Tax, an Authorised Financial Advisor, the author of three best-selling books and is a personal finance commentator.

This seminar brings together all Hannah's experience in helping people get ahead, and all her research for both her best-selling book “Pocket Money to Property – creating financially independent kids” and for her online course for teens ‘equipMe’.

Hannah wants to change the game for the next generation and has spent the last 3 years researching and understanding the problem, then designing and testing effective solutions to fix it. It’s all the things students aren’t being taught in schools and you wish you’d known when you were starting out.

Bring your teenager or young adult, drag them if you have to! And learn how to create a better financial future for the next generation.