Janet Kingsbury — May 14, 2020

It has indeed been an extraordinary seven weeks for us all, with everyone having to learn and adapt to do things in a different way.

This certainly has been the case for ITM Music and Speech and Drama lessons. Our ITM staff have worked very hard to deliver online lessons to your daughters in the best possible way, which, for such a practical subject is not always easy or ideal. However one of the benefits perhaps has been for you, as parents and caregivers, to observe the lessons taking place, perhaps even meeting your daughter’s ITM teacher during the online lessons. Thank you for the support you have provided to your daughter to enable these lessons to continue in the best way possible during the lockdown period.

With the return of staff and students to Rangi next week in a considered and purposeful way, the focus for us all will be on wellbeing and establishing a back to school transition period with good routines as as we all reconnect.

For this reason, ITM music and speech and drama lessons will not start back at Rangi until in person Monday May 25th.

Next week (May 18th - 22nd) ITM lessons will continue to take place online, in the studio that your daughter normally has her lesson in, during the school day. There may be some ITM teachers who, for various reasons, decide not to teach online next week – and they will start back again from May 25th. This will have been communicated to your daughter by the ITM tutor, and possibly to you as well.

The girls have all been sent information about the process to follow re attending their lessons online next week, at school. We have set up a sign in process, and will be ensuring that good and robust hygiene and sanitation processes are followed, along with supervision of the lessons. Lessons will happen between 9am and 3.15pm. Lessons scheduled outside of this time should take place at home, as they did during the Lockdown period.

Thank you for supporting your daughter with her lessons. If you have any questions please be in touch with Mrs Janet Kingsbury:
