Hero photograph

Stationery required for Reuse

Rosetta Brown - Head of Sustainability —

Rangi has just signed up to the Terracycle Stationery Recycling Programme. This means we will not just be collecting reusable stationery, but also worn out items for hard plastic recycling.

Please bring any unwanted or worn out stationery to the Rangi Reuse Depot. You will find this to the left of the Dining Room entrance in a bright orange container. The sliding door rolls up and is never locked! Place stationery in the provided box.
Drop off working items you no longer require to be redistributed to local schools and preschool, but also bring in old items such as pens, felt tips, whiteboard markers, highlighters, correction fluid pots and tape. The hard plastic in these items will be recycled into further products, preventing them ending up in landfill.