From the Deputy Principal
Welcome to Term 2
What a glorious autumn we have been experiencing. As outlined in our last Intouch, students will be returning to school in complete winter uniform, or if the weather remains warm, they may wear their full summer uniform for the first couple of weeks, but not a mixture of the two. Blue tights or socks are worn for winter and the kilt is in the final stages of being phased out.
2023 Term Dates
Term 1:Janurary 30 to April 6
January 30: Year starts for Year 7 and 9 and new students
January 31: All learners attend
Term 2: May 1 to June 30
Term 3: July 24 to September 30
Term 4: October 16 to December 5
Prize Giving: Tuesday, December 5
Leavers’ Ball: Wednesday, December 6