Sustainability News
Kate Rivers - November 22, 2023
Canterbury Aoraki Conservation Awards
Rangi Ruru recently won the overall Te Waka o Aoraki Award at the Canterbury Aoraki Conservation Awards. We were 1st equal with Bush Point Ecological Trust and received a very special whakairo and pounamu trophy and funds for our contributions to conservation in the wider Canterbury takiwā. This award acknowledges the way we weave teaching and learning around ecopedagogy into the curriculum/Te Ara at school and share learning opportunities within our wider community, as well as the hands-on action undertaken by ākonga/staff growing native plants onsite and caring for the stretch of the Ōtākaro through Little Hagley by regularly doing river clean ups. Eco-Action Nursery Trust received a Highly Commended Award at the awards. This award acknowledges all involved in taking action towards positive outcomes for people and the planet. The Sustainability team thanks ākonga and whānau for your support enabling our community to be the change! Ngā mihi maioha.
Finalists in the Sustainable Business Network Awards
Rangi Ruru was a finalist in the Sustainable Business Network Awards in the Social Impactor category, in the event held on 23 November. Emma Ffowcs-Williams, our past Head of Sustainability, who is now studying in Auckland attended the awards as our representative. Eco-Action Nursery Trust was also a finalist and won the Outstanding Collaboration category, so our community has plenty to celebrate! Being selected as finalists is a great honour and acknowledges all ākonga, whānau and staff involved in supporting sustainability initiatives. Ngā mihi nui for all your contributions.
Maintenance in the Nursery over the Summer Break
If students or whānau would like to help with weeding seedlings over the break, please contact Kate Rivers.
Seeking a Shipping Container
As Eco-Action Nursery Trust continues to expand and include more schools in our network, we require another shipping container to keep gear in the Red Zone. If you are able to donate a container to this great cause, greening the Red Zone and growing a native forest for our city, please contact Kate Rivers.
Thank you to Sustainability Leaders
A massive thank you to all our Year 13 sustainability leaders for your contributions at Rangi Ruru over the past five years. To Jess Glass and her Sustainability Council, Lizzie Jessep and Plum Olsen for running Environment Club, Sophie Young, Head of Eco-Action, Mary-Jean Linton, Sustainability Marketing and Communications; our sincere thanks. We are very grateful for your time and passion.
Edible Garden Initiative
Our edible garden is all planted for the 2023/2024 summer and growing well, with thanks to our incredible team of happy and committed gardeners!
We would like to acknowledge our leaving Year 13 ākonga for their mahi, leadership and commitment to our altruistic endeavours. Ri who was our leader in 2023, Lottie, Mary-Jean, Jess, Emma, Una, Anna and all those others who have given their time. The manaakitanga from this multi level team continues to support wāhine and tamariki in need in Christchurch, and will continue to do so for years to come.
We encourage anyone who would love to join this team in 2024 to contact Libby Sheehy for a chat.
So from the whole team, Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou!