Changes to the Start of Year


Important dates to note

The move to traffic light RED setting has meant changes to the way we usually start the school year. Our revised start-up dates are available here.

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the Year 9 mihi whakatau and postpone the House Sports Day.

Tuesday 1 February is now a course confirmation day for invited Year 11-13 students only. These students will be emailed asking them to attend at either 9.00am or 1.00pm to meet with their Dean or Head of House. Buses will run at the usual times.

Wednesday 2 February remains Year 9 Orientation Day. Year 9 students will assemble on the playing fields near their House flag at 8.40am. Parents and caregivers are asked to remain on East Belt.

From Thursday 3 February onwards all year levels attend from 8.40am for a normal school day, ending at 3.00pm.

A reminder that Monday 7 February is a public holiday this year.

The first "late start Wednesday" will be on Wednesday 9 February, when all classes start at 10.00am and all buses run about 70 minutes later than other days. School ends at 2.40pm on Wednesdays.

Current restrictions mean we have had to cancel the Year 9 'Open House' (meet the teacher) evening previously scheduled for Thursday 10 February.