Senior Course Confirmation Day


Tuesday 1 February is now a course confirmation day for invited senior students only. These students have been emailed asking them to attend at either 9.00am or 1.00pm to meet with their Dean or Head of House. Buses will run at the usual times. Please wear a mask. You may wear mufti clothing today. 

Leaders of Learning have been vetting class rolls following the publication on NCEA results. Some senior students may not now meet the pre-requisites for a course they chose last year.

Our Timetabler has emailed senior students with information on how they may apply to alter a course if their NCEA results mean they should not now be in a course they chose last year. This is the only reason for making a change.

Please note, course selections made last year will stand, unless NCEA results mean a change of course is needed. Course changes will be made on Course Confirmation Day, Tuesday 1 February.

Following Course Confirmation Day there may be some shuffling of students across courses with multiple classes to balance class sizes (i.e. a student may have a change of teacher in a course).