RHS — Jun 19, 2019

Bus Travel Eligibility

The Ministry of Education has set criteria governing the eligibility of students to travel on school buses:

The buses are not permitted to take students who do not fit these criteria. Students cannot travel on school buses if they do not meet the set criteria.

We are currently auditing bus students’ eligibility. Any students who do not match the criteria will be contacted for clarification around their use of the school buses. Ineligible students are not be permitted to travel by school bus unless they make their own financial arrangement with the bus company, ie: purchase a seat for the year. Please contact the school if you would like some further information about this.

For specific information on our buses or bus routes please contact the Bus Controller Ms Lesley Elms at ell@rangiorahigh.school.nz or Associate Principal in charge of transport Mr Paul Donnelly at dnp@rangiorahigh.school.nz. Please contact Craig Reynolds, the regional Transport Advisor for Canterbury at Craig.Reynolds@education.govt.nz or direct dial 33787309 for further information on MOE eligibility criteria. 

Bus Rules

All students who travel by school bus need to complete and return the agreement to follow the bus rules for bus travel. These are available on the school website in <about our school>, <buses> or from the school office. The route maps have recently been updated and the approximate times given indicate a ten minute range around the arrival time. Please make sure students are at the stop in time to catch the bus each day and remember the buses run later on Tuesdays unless they also bring students to our three feeder schools.

Bus Route Review

The Ministry of Education are currently reviewing our present bus routes and there will be some changes in the New Year when this has been finalised. This is based on our current eligible student addresses. It is therefore important that if your contact details have changed, that you contact the school with the correct information so the school has the correct addresses for each student's primary residence (and if relevant, secondary residence if there is a joint custody arrangement). We will publish the new routes well in advance and update the maps on our website when they have been finalised.

Emergency Evacuations

In the event of an emergency evacuation including a lockdown occurring at the end of the school day - the buses will return to the depot and collect students as normal when an all clear is given.

Lesley Elms

Bus Controller