Whānau News
Ngā Manu Kōrero
On 22nd June we took a 40-strong group to Ngā Manu Kōrero speech competitions held at Riccarton High School. We had four speakers in total: Alexis Miller (Senior English) Vienna Jermyn, (Senior Te Reo Māori), Ruby Reid, (Junior Te Reo) and Zoe Miles (Junior English). We were one of only three schools who had speakers in all four sections. These students did the school proud and should hold their heads high as representatives of Te Kura Tuarua o Rangiora.
Waharoa, Pounamu, Kawe Mate
On 30th July we held a ceremony, officiated by Reverend Wharekawa Kaa, to acknowledge the reinstatement of the waharoa at the whare. As part of this ceremony, we held a kawe mate for Nani Wai who was a former kuia in our whare. Her photo now hangs in the whare with Whaea Hiraina, another former staff member of the whare.
We also unveiled a pounamu in one of the gardens next to the court of memories, which was most kindly donated by Koro Du Rogers.
This beautiful pounamu is in memoriam of Nani Wai, Whaea Hiraina and also Peter Allen, who also had a big involvement establishing the whare.