Careers and Work Experience
If students would like to do some Work Experience in school time, we must have a parent’s signature on the student’s Work Experience Diary, which they can collect from Te Rapuara/Careers Hub in Rakahuri before they start their placement. This gives protection to the student and the business if there is a Health & Safety issue during the day.
Students are also encouraged to get some work experience in the school holidays to experience the world of work and investigate some careers they are interested in. Take your student to work for the day (ask your boss first!) so they learn what is expected of employees. Or access your wider family and friends networks to arrange a day or two in different workplaces. If students would like to record their experiences they can collect a Work Experience Diary or record some experiences on their phone and download them to their e-portfolio later.
All experiences assist students in career decision-making and improving their self-management skills.
Students can create a CV by accessing a proforma on their S drive and saving it to a google doc. Then follow the instructions. They should put their CV and all their supporting documents (originals) in a clearfile to be taken to job interviews in the future. Never send away the originals as part of a job application.