Rangiora High School Art Expo Saturday, 27th October, 3 - 9pm
Rangiora High School's PTA's upcoming ART EXPO will be the fundraising event of the year!
Work from local artists will be available for sale - including painting, prints, stone art, metal art and jewellery.
All works on display will be for sale.
Student work will be available for viewing.
The ticket price of $15.00 will get you a glass of bubbles and continuous nibbles that will be served throughout the event.
Spread the word! Get a group of your friends together and support your local High School. October 27th, doors open at 3.00pm and close at 9.00pm.Tickets available from Propaganda on the High Street and the Rangiora High School office.
Thanks in advance for your support. RHS PTA
Art Expo Organising Committee