RHS — Jun 22, 2023

Kia ora Ngāti Mako,

Well done for making it past halfway through the school year!

Our House Captains Grace and Kahn hosted interviews for the Sheppard Junior Executive this term and it is with great pleasure that I can announce we have appointed seven new members for 2023: John Lundy, Hannah Shadbolt, Kweli Mills, Joe Hussey, Aidan Haverkort, Kate Buchanan and Abbie Dring. Congratulations to these students. It was great to see so many people apply and they really struggled to choose, so the future of Ngāti Mako is definitely looking bright!

Term 2 kicked off with Junior WinterFest in Week 2. Our Year 9s and Year 10s did a great job playing netball against some tough opposition. It was wonderful to have such a committed group of players and they finished up in third place after some hard-fought games. The senior House Quiz competition takes place in Week 10 and our team of Kahn Charles, Grace Leen, Adam Wake and Alyssa Grigor will be putting their best general knowledge to the test… we wish them all the best!

Our Year 9s have been busy practising for the Year 9 Haka Performance, which takes place on the last day of term, ably led by our Executive and Peer Support Leaders. We have been very lucky to have a wonderful group of senior students helping with this and particular thanks must go to Jesikah Brook, Couper Wiki, Adam Wake and Kruize Pelesa, who have been instrumental throughout. Thanks must also go to our Year 9 kaiako, Rebecca Sweney-McKee, Rebecca McLean and Jasmine Lines, as well as the Year 12 and 13 kaiako who have released their leaders to help. They have all been very supportive of the competition. We wish the Year 9s all the best for their performance on Friday.

The House event calendar is busy in Term 3, with Junior House Quiz, Senior WinterFest, House Choir, Fimfest and Public Speaking all set to take place. It is an exciting time for our students with such a range of opportunities to get involved in. I really hope that there is something there for everyone and that all of our Sheppard students can get involved in some way, demonstrating the Rangiora High School value of Tohaina (Contribute).

Term 3 also sees the return of the Sheppard House Fair in Week 9, our big fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House. I look forward to seeing what stalls each wānanga comes up with and whether 11SGRC can retain their trophy from 2021 as the group to raise the most money. I am sure there will be plenty of competition!

Finally, this term has been tough for our young people with a number of disruptions. Keith Anderson and I have been impressed with the effort students have made to keep on top of their work, particularly our Year 11 students who are excelling at the start of their NCEA journey. I hope everyone takes some time to refresh and recharge over these holidays, ready for a busy Term 3.

Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei.

Aim for the highest cloud so that if you miss it, you will hit a lofty mountain.

Ngā mihi nui,

Rosie Dowling

Head of Sheppard House