RHS — Sep 13, 2019

In Term One 2022 your child will attend one of the Year 9 Outdoor Education camps.

They are scheduled to take place in Weeks 3, 4 and 5. These are hosted at the Boyle River Outdoor Education Lodge which is located in the Lewis Pass. The camp has good facilities and excellent instructors, who hold the appropriate safety qualifications and offer a safe and rewarding outdoor programme for our students.

The proposed programme includes many of the following, depending on the weather and time available: Navigation/orienteering; abseiling; tramping; high and low ropes; solo bush activity; river crossing; two wire river crossing; camp cooking; nightline.

Students will receive further information in January 2022 which will include the permission slip, medical questionnaire and dietary requirements. Information about the clothing and equipment requirements for camps is enclosed within this letter to enable you to prepare for camp.

The cost of the camp is yet to be finalised for 2022 but is likely to be approximately $250. This price is inclusive of transport, activities, equipment use, accommodation, and facilities, and snacks and meals while at camp. We are in the process of applying for funding for these camps, so we hope that this will reduce the overall cost.

We acknowledge that this contribution is a big expense for most families and we inform you of this now as you may wish to begin payments so that the full contribution is paid before camps get underway. Should you need assistance with this, please contact the school. You can make payments for camp directly by calling at the school office or by internet banking:

Bank account details are: 12 3149 0228242 00
Please reference payments with your student's ID number.

If you require further clarification, contact the Office Manager - Val Andersen 03 311 8888 Ext. 2202 at the school office. 

Your child will attend camp with their learning hub, form teacher and hub teachers. Senior student leaders will also participate. The three day camps are a popular and rewarding part of the school year for Year 9 students. They are a key component of the school outdoor education programme, so unless there are special circumstances we will anticipate that your child will be attending. We look forward to helping your child challenge themselves and create lasting memories during this important part of their high school journey.

Robyn McGrath 

Year 9 Camp Coordinator