Hero photograph
Photo by RHS

Mansfield House


Mansfield House News

Kia ora whānau,

What an amazing Term 1 we have had in Mansfield House. There has been a lot of achievement by both staff and students. Of course, Term 1 did not finish how we had thought it would, but I am immensely proud of the how team Mansfield has risen to the challenge of remote learning and bubble life.

As I type this at my kitchen table looking at my now weed-free garden, we do need to try and see the positives out of our isolation period. I have loved being able to spend time with my whānau and finish off all those projects that were waiting for 'if only we had more time…'

Staff and students have learnt (very quickly) what remote learning is like. It has challenged staff to make screencasts, record themselves on Google slides and importantly look at new ways of accessing student work. For students it has shown the importance of self-management and self-discipline, like everything in life, some have excelled and others are trying to find their way.

A big thank you and immense gratitude to Ms Taylor, our Dean and leader of Year 10 Mansfield Ako space, as well as Miss Heaps, our leader of Year 9 Mansfield Ako space, for all the work they have put into the learning rubrics each week. In addition a massive thank you to all Mansfield form teachers for all the extra care and support you are giving our form classes. I have loved popping into Google hangout meetings that they have been having with their form classes.

Life skills have come to the fore during this time, which for me, as a Food and Nutrition teacher, has been really exciting. We have had to learn new ways of making dinners with just the ingredients we have. Mansfield students seem to have been baking up a storm while in their bubbles.

Senior Summerfest — Image by: Bridgitt Robinson
Senior Summerfest — Image by: Bridgitt Robinson


Mrs McGrath

Head of Mansfield House