Hero photograph
Photo by Julia Malcolm

Student Services


Contacting your pastoral team - Uniform - Attendance - Bringing cars to school

The Pastoral Team

For all email contact with your pastoral team, please note that their staff cypher should be attached to our high school email address. For example: wlv@rangiorahigh.school.nz

Hillary House

Head of House: Emma Gibson (GBE) ext: 2101

Email: gbe@rangiorahigh.school.nz

Dean of House: Elise Bramley (BRE) ext: 2100

Email: bre@rangiorahigh.school.nz

Lydiard House

Head of House: Kaylee Dawson (DWK) ext: 2103

Email:  dwk@rangiorahigh.school.nz

Dean of House: Jonathan Cowey (CWJ) ext: 2102

Email: cwj@rangiorahigh.school.nz 

Mansfield House

Head of House: Robyn McGrath (MGR) ext: 2104

Email: mgr@rangiorahigh.school.nz

Dean of House: Shelley Taylor (TYS) ext: 2105

Email: tys@rangiorahigh.school.nz

Ngata House

Head of House: Vanessa Wilkins (WLV) ext: 2107

Email: wlv@rangiorahigh.school.nz

Dean of House: Tim Berg (BRT) ext: 2106

Email: brt@rangiorahigh.school.nz

Rutherford House

Head of House: Jonny Sim (SMJ) extn:2108

Email: smj@rangiorahigh.school.nz

Dean of House: Gillian Koster(KSG) ext: 2109

Email: ksg@rangiorahigh.school.nz

Sheppard House

Head of House: Rosie Dowling (DWR) ext: 2110

Email: dwr@rangiorahigh.school.nz 

Dean of House: Keith Anderson (ADK) ext: 2111

Email: adk@rangiorahigh.school.nz


Our uniform provides plenty of options for students to wear what feels comfortable for them. We do ask that they wear it well and correctly.

Some reminders:

SOCKS - are plain black or blue. NO LABELS.

SHOES – are plain black or brown and made of polishable ‘leather’.

SANDALS – are plain black or brown. They must have a back strap for the ankle. Sandals cannot be worn in technology rooms. 

JEWELLERY – one stud, or keeper in each ear. A watch, pounamu or bone taonga may be worn. Any necklaces of sentimental value should be worn inside the blouse/shirt/dress.

HAIR – tidy. Any length is acceptable, but in technology rooms hair should be tied back for safety reasons.

SKIRT/DRESS LENGTH – hems should be 4cm above the top of the knee cap.

TROUSERS AND SHORTS – can be worn by ALL students.

HOODIES AND T-SHIRTS – are NOT part of our uniform.

LONG SLEEVED POLO tops are available from the Uniform Shop and provide a good option as it gets cooler.

LAVALAVA/SULU/TUPENU - black monogrammed are in the shop now. Our Pasifika boys have been enjoying this option. Please note they are to be worn with sandals or shoes NOT 'slides' or jandals.

JACKETS - check out the new soft shell jacket: https://rhs.uniformgroup.co.nz/product/jacket-softshell---new/xx6007btim.aspx. It is a very comfortable, warm and smart addition to the choices of outer garments. 

UNDERGARMENTS - students are wearing all sorts of things under their uniforms, making their uniform look untidy. The jersey, cardigan and jacket are there for warmth. Polypropylene items should be either short sleeved or worn under a cardigan/jersey.

We currently have the Uniform Group working on a 'fleece' and changes to the current jacket so that it has a hood. Watch this space.

We have a number of ways to help you with uniform. Please contact Julia Malcolm (03 3118888 ext 2003 or email mmj@rangiorahigh.school.nz) for any help with uniform.


Students who bring cars to school must register this with the office. This is for us to ensure student safety and the safety of their vehicle. We can alert students if their lights are on, their car is damaged, or if it needs moving for council works and services. We also will contact parents if a student is carrying passengers on a restricted licence. Students are asked to park on East Belt, south of D Block, in the parallel parking, or on Wales Street (west of the Nursery School) or north of Wales Street on East Belt. Our school neighbours are very understanding so we ask for students to be aware of where they are parking and not block driveways. The Nursery School drop off area MUST NOT be used by students as a turnaround.

Car Registration forms are available from the student office.