Kapa Haka
RHS - September 23, 2019
On Thursday 5th September, our senior Kapa Haka rōpū made us proud with a passionate performance in the North Canterbury Kapa Haka Festival in Ohoka (Tuahiwi Kā Matakura o Ruataniwha 2019). This was a purely student-driven performance that the class has been working towards for the majority of Term 3. The performance was received very positively by the sell-out crowd and it was wonderful to see so many whānau and staff members there to support our team as they stood on our behalf. Not only were they the only student lead rōpū but they also incorporated a medley of waiata from Te Ika a Maui to cover our members from the North Island.
Ko te Kairapu, Ko rātou te kite. Those who seek, will find!