RHS — Jul 2, 2019

Curriculum and Subject Choice Information

Curriculum and Subject Choice Dates: Term 3 

Early next term there are a number of key dates for students and their families and whānau. 

Senior Subject Information Evening - Tuesday July 30th 5.00pm - 7.30pm 

Heads of Faculty, Curriculum Leaders and Careers staff will be in Rakahuri to answer any questions students and parents may have regarding subject choices and future pathways. Pastoral Teams will also be available to assist with this.

Academic Counselling - Subject Selection - Tuesday August 6th 

Year 9 -12 students will book a 15-minute appointment with their Form teachers in order to discuss progress and plan choices for 2020. Deans and Heads of Houses will also be available for bookings for Form Teachers with larger form classes. We look forward to seeing you at these events.