Education Perfect - Year 9 and 10 AKO and Languages


This year the Year 9 and 10 AKO students will be using Education Perfect. English, Mathematics and Science have adopted the online learning tool Education Perfect instead of the printed workbooks such as SciPad or other digital platforms such as Mathletics, so as to make use of an across school, shared curriculum resource that is accessible and utilised on a student's electronic device. 

This offers many advantages; extension and individualised learning programs, continual monitoring and feedback during learning, cost effective delivery of content and subject material, access to a wider scope of learning levels and an accessible medium for revision and reiteration in areas that individual students request.

Although there may be some concerns over laboratory skills and general writing skills not being addressed, it will be an extremely useful and valuable support medium for many students to enhance the quality of their learning. Students will still visit the Science laboratories, use pen and paper for writing and be reading a variety of written texts.

The Languages Faculty has been using Education Perfect in their learning programmes for a number of years with success. The Mathematics and English Faculties trialled the tool in 2018 with success and staff felt that it would be advantageous to also use it in both Year 9 and 10 AKO classes.