Student Information
Student Leaders
Help students by being on duty around the school during interval and lunchtimes and taking a leadership role. Student leadership teams are part of the House system and assist with supervision around the school to promote and lead student activities. Student Leaders are always there to help younger students.
Peer support
Year 13 students, help Year 9 students, in small groups, settle into High School, establish friendships and act as “buddies” for them.
Guidance Counsellors
The school has four Guidance Counsellors who assist students both as individuals and in groups. They will help students and their families with specific concerns by offering specialist counselling and referral services. Counsellors will help students find their own good solutions to problems and find ways to help them do their best with their education, behaviour and planning for the future. They work with the Heads of House and the Deans as part of the Guidance team.
Health Clinic
The school offers a free service run by a Nurse. The Health Clinic provides daily clinics assisted by local health care professionals.
Careers Advisor
Careers Advisors help students with information and advice concerning career decision making and the wide range of tertiary options.
Anti-harassment and Anti-bullying Contact People
There are a number of students and staff trained in dealing with sexual and racial harassment and bullying. Their names are publicised and they are available to those seeking help.