RHS — November 22, 2020
Ko te pai tawhiti whāia kia tata, ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tina.
Pursue distant horizons so that they are within reach, and holdfast those that are close.
Tēnā koutou katoa,
For the final Board report for the year, it is a great opportunity to reflect on the year gone by and we can’t reflect on this past year without mentioning the impact of COVID-19 on all our lives. There are few events in our combined human history, where we can all share a common experience at the same time. The learning curve for online meetings, classes and catch ups was steep and swift, with new terms added to our common vocabulary, like zuis (zoom huis), managed isolation, bubbles and lockdowns. New normal included dressing for work in the lounge, for example, work shirt and tie paired with pyjama bottoms! I know that it wasn’t the easiest of times for many whānau in our community but as a Board we are very proud of the way staff got on with ensuring students still had access to their learning, and continued to support students the best way they could. One thing I personally admired was the work of the student leaders in creating videos to share with the student body, which showed great leadership and collaboration!
The Board started the year with the resignation of Board Chair Ian Fong and will end with the election of new Board members through the new staggered election policy. We can see from recent elections the importance and value of being involved in governance. It is a fine balance of meeting the current needs of our student community while simultaneously laying the groundwork for a future school that we are not likely to be involved in. We look forward to the results of this mid-term election and to working with the newly elected members.
A quick scroll through the school’s Facebook page shows that our students are still getting out and about, engaging in what they love, working hard for their passions and celebrating in their successes. We, as a Board, look forward to attending the many prizegivings and end of year celebrations that occur at this time of year. It’s great to see students’ hard work and perseverance acknowledged in this way.
Finally, from the Board, we wish all our students, staff and community a safe and restful summer break. We hope exams go well for senior students and that whānau are able to take a break from work and study, if only for a few days. Jacinda Arden’s mandate to Be Kind includes you. Be sure to find time over the summer to be kind to yourself as well, you are deserving!
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā rā tātou katoa.
Some rights reserved Rangiora High School Te Kura Tuarua o Rangiora , 2024