by Bridgitt Robinson


Julia MalcolmNovember 17, 2020

This year we have had 22 students awarded 28 scholarships for tertiary study to universities all around New Zealand for 2021. We are extraordinarily proud of these students and their families. The scholarships range in value between $2000 and $35000. Some of the scholarships offer university accommodation as well.

Zach Roberts - UC Hiranga scholarship and UC Horomata scholarship, University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship and University of Otago Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship

Annie Leen - University of Otago Sports Performance scholarship

Josh Campbell - UC Hiranga scholarship and University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship

Piper Marchant - University of Otago New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship

Sophie Dobson -  UC Hiranga scholarship and University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow

Maddie Hassall - Lincoln University Sports Scholarship (Netball)

Eva Kim - UC Excellence Scholarship and UC College of Business and Law First Year Award for Excellence

Josh Prager - University of Otago Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship

Tamatoa Nicholas - PMVEA Scholarship

Madi Silcock - Otago University Māori Entrance Scholarship

Lana Bonnett - Victoria University Tangiwai School Leaver Scholarship

Jack Riley - Victoria University Tangiwai School Leaver Scholarship

Katie Lange - University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship and UC Hiranga scholarship

Jade Northover - Lincoln University Future Leaders’ Scholarship, Ahu Whenua Scholarship

Willa Carpinter - University of Otago Maori Entrance Scholarship

Will Riley - Otago University 150th Scholarship

Loulou Regos - UC Hiranga Scholarship

Abigail de Visser - UC Hiranga scholarship

Holly Warming Smith - Otago University New Frontiers Scholarship

Shontay Simpson - Otago University Pacific Peoples Entrance Scholarship

Lauren Sulzberger - UC Hiranga scholarship

Hope McElvey - Otago University 150th Scholarship

Photo Names

Front row:

Left to right - Loulou Regos, Josh Campbell, Abigail de Visser, Holly Warming Smith, Shontay Simpson, Sophie Dobson, Eva Kim, Piper Marchant, Lana Bonnett, Madi Silcock

Back Row:

Left to right - Josh Prager, Jack Riley, Tamatoa Nicholas, Annie Leen, Hope McKelvey, Maddie Hassall, Katie Lange, Zach Roberts

(Not all scholarship recipients were present for the photo.)

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