Sheppard House by RHS

Sheppard House

RHSNovember 26, 2020

Kia ora te whānau o Ngāti Mako and welcome to the last newsletter entry for 2020.

Term 4 saw our year 9 students finally get to go on Year 9 Camp at the Boyle River. This was a wonderful opportunity for them to practise their leadership and teamwork skills, and I was really impressed with everyone involved.

Sheppard House — Image by: Supplied
Sheppard House — Image by: Supplied
Sheppard House — Image by: Supplied
Sheppard House — Image by: Supplied
Sheppard House — Image by: Supplied
Sheppard House — Image by: Supplied

Term 4 has also seen the business end of the House competition. We kicked off with the Junior Quiz, where our teams had lots of fun, finishing in fifth place. Our touch team did a great job at Junior SummerFest, winning all but one game, earning them second place. There were some sterling performances, including a number of students who had not played touch before, and a special mention must go to Summer Freer and Lilly Evers for their excellent commitment to the team. This leaves us one point behind Hillary House heading into Junior Public Speaking and we wish our speakers, Adam Wake and Alyssa Grigor, the best of luck. Regardless of the result, I am so proud of the efforts of the Sheppard students - it has been heart-warming to see so many get involved and support each other in House events this year.

Sheppard House — Image by: Supplied

I will hand over to our outstanding Executive representatives to sum up the year. Over to you Holly, Shontay and Kahn...

Senior House Executive — Image by: Bridgitt Robinson

This year has been challenging but despite this, it has been such an amazing year. One of my main highlights has been seeing Sheppard getting so involved with the House events, particularly the Choir competition. I have had so much fun with you all and it was amazing seeing everyone stepping outside their comfort zone and trying something new. A big thank you and well done to Sheppard for making it such an awesome year!

Holly Warming-Smith - House Captain

Although short-lived, I’ve enjoyed being Sheppard House Captain this year. One highlight that I have was the involvement with the Year 9s and their first experience at high school, this can be a big scary place when you first start. The upholding of the Sheppard values and the readiness to be involved in house activities is truly heart-warming! Thank you for making this such a good last year at Rangiora and all the best for the years to come!

Shontay Simpson - House Captain

This year, I have thoroughly enjoyed being on the Junior Executive team. This has brought with it closer friendships and helped me step outside of my comfort zone. I hope that this helps to set stepping stones for future opportunities.

Kahn Charles - Junior Executive

I would like to extend a massive thank you to all of Ngāti Mako for your contributions, attitude and approach to being part of Te Kura Tuarua O Rangiora. 2020 has been an interesting year but I have really impressed by the resilience and initiative of our students, and have thoroughly enjoyed working with such a talented group of students and staff.

I hope you all have a wonderful and restful break and we look forward to welcoming you back next year. To the year 13s and other students leaving us, I wish you every success for the future.

Meri Kirihimete!

Rosie Dowling

Sheppard House — Image by: Supplied

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