by Hillary House
RHS — November 26, 2020
Hillary House News
Term 4 has been a real nail bitter for Hillary House, with Junior and Senior Quizzes, Senior Public Speaking, and Junior Summerfest (finally!) Hillary has been to the fore with winning both quizzes and coming second in the Senior Public speaking. Our juniors shone in the Junior Summerfest, going undefeated in Touch. Now we are in the interesting position of being top of the leader board, by one point, over Sheppard.
By the time you read this, Junior Public Speaking will have been run and we will know our fate. Regardless of the final outcome, I could not be more proud of the way the students have fought their way back to the top. Our Quiz teams showed brains and teamwork, our Senior Public Speakers, Zach Roberts, and Keertthana Rajini were outstanding and engaging, and our Juniors were all fully behind the house with huge numbers turning up each lunchtime.
We have farewelled our wonder Year 13 cohort for the year in our final House Assembly. It was a morning of laughter and tears as they leave us for bigger and brighter things. They have been a fantastic and hard-working year group who will be missed by teachers and juniors they have supported. It may not have been the year they had planned for but they have made the most of it and achieved fabulous things.
We also farewell Zoe Preston, who has been a wonderful teacher, colleague, and form teacher for a difficult first year of teaching. Her enthusiasm and passion for her teaching will be missed. All the best for your future, Zoe.
It is also with much regret we say goodbye to our House Executive for 2020. Led by Jack Riley and Abbey Neilson, Will Rattray, Robert Hassall, Eva Kim, and Ethan McLachlan. They have been an organised and passionate group to work alongside and have achieved some remarkable things this year. Rallying the juniors, organising assemblies, fundraising for good courses, all while achieving highly academically and on the sports' field. Eva Kim was awarded the Hillary Shield for her amazing work on the House Choir at the final assembly but the whole team should be very proud of the work they have done this year.
Hopefully, seniors are focusing on exams, juniors are working on final assessments and the year is drawing rapidly to a close. One last push before the summit is reached. It has been a rocky year but with fingers crossed Hillary House will finally “knock the bastard off", win the house cup and finish 2020 the way we started it, with huge house spirit and enthusiasm.
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